
The aim of the project is the design and production of novel strontium-doped fluorohydroxyapatite nanoparticles for possible applications as dental biomaterials. This can be exploited by transfering methods from chemical sciences and materials technologies already applied in other sectors (mostly inorganic phosphates) to life (dental) sciences.


Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is a mineral found in human bones and teeth, contributing to their structural integrity and aiding in bone regeneration. Though naturally present, healthcare experts commonly utilize both synthetic and natural forms of HAp in bone repair procedures.

Akademia Ivodent Universiteti i Laborantëve Dentarë

Goals and Objectives

The aim of the project is the design and production of novel strontium-doped fluorohydroxyapatite nanoparticles for possible applications as dental biomaterials. This can be exploited by transfering methods from chemical sciences and materials technologies already applied in other sectors (mostly inorganic phosphates) to life (dental) sciences.

Short description

Hydroxyapatite (Hap) is a calcium phosphate naturally occurring in the human biosystems, being the principal mineral constituent of hard tissues, on all teeth, bones, and other calcified tissues. A large number of studies demonstrated that synthetic HAp shows noticeable biocompatible behavior such as osteoconductivity and cytocompatibility, important features for biomedical applications. HAp structure allows many (partial or total) ionic substitutions in its framework, and those quite interesting in dentistry sciences involve strontium (Sr) and fluorine (F). The realization of such new apatite-based nanomaterials could guarantee significant improvements in many dental applications, from bone hardening for applying teeth prosthesis up for healing small fractures of the mandible and maxilla, having a huge impact both on clinic aspects and on human welfare, owing to the acquisition of new strategies, within the visions of transfer of previous skills in chemical sciences.


Prof. Asoc Altin Mele (Coordinator)

Dr. Angela Altomare

MP. Antonina Mema

Dr. Davide Capelli

MSc. Dorina Mele

Dr. Dritan Siliqi

Mr. Francesco Baldassare

Dr. Francesco Capitelli (Coordinator)

MSc. Jeta Lica

MSc. Lorenci Gjurgjaj

Dr. Viviana Scognamiglio


The Italian team includes academic staff with researchers near the Institute of Crystallography (IC) of the National Council for Scientific Research (CNR), based in Bari, Italy with branches in Trieste, Rome, Catania, Como and the University Tor Vergata in Rome. IC-CNR includes two aspects of crystallography: methods and experimental parts. The Italian team includes researchers involved not only in the synthesis of HAp but also in their characterization, from structure and chemical composition to properties. The Italian principal investigator of the project, Dr. F. Capitelli, has a long-time experience in inorganic phosphates characterization. More, he has already collaborated with Albanian team members within the framework of the scientific activities of the previous Italy – Albania CNR-MOES bilateral agreement, focusing on the synthesis and characterization of europium-doped hydroxyapatite suitable for bio-imaging applications.

The Albanian research team involved in metal-doped HAp development, has a rich experience in participating in international projects, and among them researchers participated successfully also in the previous bilateral agreement 2018-2019 between MOES-Albania and CNR-Italy. The Albanian project leader, Dr. A. Mele, has a long experience in the porous materials surface functionalization and characterization, as well as in high pressure and temperature processes, among others suitable for the hydrothermal synthesis of micro- and nanocrystals. In the Albanian team, there is also a dental clinician, skilled in development and application of dental materials. The participation of young researchers and students involved in dental techniques is very important for preparing the young academics to further contribute in the development of novel dental materials. They have been working on the subject of dental materials for several years and have already participated and published in well-known international schools and conferences on crystallography organized in Italy.

Financing institution

National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation (NASRI) and Ministry of Education and Sports (MES)

Time period

2023 – 2024

Techniques by QST

Techniques for high pressure processes​

Techniques by QST

Techniques for surface characterization of porous materials

Technqiues by QST

Techniques for thermal analysis of materials

Akademia Ivodent

Rruga “Prokop Myzeqari” 10

1016, Tiranë


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