Main topics

Center of Techniques Studies

– Development of new ceramic materials for uses as bone substitution and their thermal behavior.
– Functionalization of hydrosilicates for uses in catalysis, adsorption, foundry, etc.
– Development of high pressure techniques and their use in environment-friendly processes.
– Surface characterization of porous materials.

Techniques for surface characterization of porous materials

1. Gas adsorption - desorption measurement of porous materials at temperatures 77 K - 298 K for determination of specific surface and mesopore size distribution. 2. Tensiometry for the contact angle and surface tension determination. 3. Helium pycnometer for porosity determination.

Techniques for high pressure processes

1. Gas adsorption - desorption measurement of porous materials at temperatures 77 K - 298 K for determination of specific surface and mesopore size distribution. 2. Tensiometry for the contact angle and surface tension determination. 3. Helium pycnometer for porosity determination.

Techniques for thermal analysis of materials

Simultaneous Thermogravimetry – Differential Scanning Calorimetry (Netzsch STA 449 F5 Jupiter)

Techniques of chemical analysis (in collaboration with Tenius Laboratory)

1. HPLC - MS analysis 2. ICP - MS analysis 3. GC - MS analysis 4. GC - FID analysis

Center of Techniques Studies


  • “Novel Innovative fluorohydroxyapatite - based nanomaterials for dental applications”

    Design and production of novel strontium-doped fluorohydroxyapatite nanoparticles for applications as dental biomaterials. This can be exploited by transfering methods from chemical sciences and materials technologies already applied in other sectors (mostly inorganic phosphates) to life (dental) sciences.

  • “Development of pressurized techniques for the extraction of medicinal plants and the impregnation of antimicrobial extracts in dental prostheses.”

    Development of the extraction technique of medicinal plants and more with liquefied gases under pressure. This technique is also used for impregnation with extracts with antimicrobial properties of PMMA discs used to produce fixed and removable dental prostheses.

Center of Techniques Studies


  • Joint Workshop - Materials and Methodologies for Biomedical Applications

    IC-CNR & Ivodent Academy

    Date: 26.09.2023

    Location: Online

  • Lecture-Calcium Phosphates, a success story in applications.

    Dr. Francesco Capitelli

    Date: 25.10.2023

    Location: Aula Magna, Ivodent Academy

  • Visit of the Italian scientists from IC-CNR in Albania.

    Visit of the Italian scientists of the Institute of Crystallography, National Research Council (IC-CNR) at Ivodent Academy within the bilateral project "Materials and Methodologies for Biomedical Applications".

Center of Techniques Studies


  • Solid state synthesis of hydroxyapatite from different precursors

    Dental Materials - Elsevier

    A. Mele, L. Gjurgjaj, J. Lica, A. Mema, A. Mele, I. Çaçani, F. Keraj, F. Baldassarre, D. Siliqi.

  • Changes in surface and structure of montmorillonite by acid activation

    Dental Materials - Elsevier

    A. Mele, L. Gjurgjaj, J. Lica, A. Mema, A. Mele, I. Çaçani, J. Keri.

  • In-Depth Characterization of Natural Clays from Southeast Albania

    Crystals - MDPI

    Mele, A., Scognamiglio, V., Nocerino, V., De Stefano, L., Memo, A., Toro, R. G., Rossi, M., Baldassarre, F., & Capitelli, F.

  • Structural Characterization of Low-Sr-Doped Hydroxyapatite Obtained by Solid-State Synthesis

    Crystals - MDPI

    Baldassarre, F., Altomare, A., Mesto, E., Lacalamita, M., Dida, B., Mele, A., Bauer, E. M., Puzone, M., Tempesta, E., Capelli, D., Siliqi, D., & Capitelli, F.

  • Nanoplatforms for Magnetic-Photo-Heating of Thermo-Resistant Tumor Cells: Singular Synergic Therapeutic Effects at Mild Temperature

    Small - Willey

    BT. Mai, TF Cabada, JS. Conteh, G. Nucci, S. Fiorito, H. Gavilán, D. Debellis, L. Gjurgjaj, T. Pellegrino.

Center of Techniques Studies

Staff and collaborators

Akademia Ivodent Universiteti i Laborantëve Dentarë
Head of research team

Prof. Altin Mele

Meet Professor Altin Mele, an industrial chemistry expert, focusing on high-pressure processes. He completed his studies at the University of Tirana in 1994 and pursued doctoral studies in the Laboratory of high pressure and process techniques at the University of Siegen, Germany from 1996 to 2001. He has since contributed significantly to the field of high-pressure processes as a lecturer of thermodynamics at the University of Tirana and author of over 40 publications in renowned journals.

His research interests are focused on the development of new ceramic materials for use as bone substitutes and their thermal behavior. In addition, he is actively involved in the development of high-pressure techniques and their use in environmentally friendly processes. He is a specialist in the surface characterization of porous materials and has made significant contributions in this area.

Akademia Ivodent Universiteti i Laborantëve Dentarë

Prof. Ilo Mele

Prof. Ilo Mele obtained his degree in Chemistry in 1968 at the University “Kim Ir Sen”, Pyongyang, North Korea. In 1981 Prof. Mele did a specialization in Ecole Nationale Superiore de Genie Chimique, France and another specialization in Physical Chemistry of Surfaces at University “Pier and Marie Curie”, Paris, France. His field of specialization is surface phenomena and catalysis. He has authored over 6 paper in scientific journals and has published 4 books in the field of physical chemistry. Prof. Mele was the Director of Physical Chemistry department for 16 years at the University of Tirana.

Akademia Ivodent Universiteti i Laborantëve Dentarë

Dr. Dritan Siliqi

Dritan Siliqi is staff-scientist at IC-CNR Bari, Italy since 1992 where he does research in Crystallography with applications in material science and biology. Dr. Siliqi has longstanding experience with Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) and Wide-Angle Scattering (WAXS) experiments and also in the improvements of the algorithms for data elaboration. He is the co-aothor of asoftware package for a global phasing for proteins “ILMILIONE”. Also, Dr. Siliqi is an active member of Structural Biology and X-Ray Diffraction & Fluorescence Community and the president of Association of Albanian Crystallographers. He is author of more than 50 publications with a 25 h-index.

Akademia Ivodent Universiteti i Laborantëve Dentarë

Jeta Lica

Jeta Lica obtained her Master’s Degree in Environmental and Industrial Chemistry in 2020 from the University of Tirana. In 2021 she worked as a specialist in the physical and chemical analysis of tobacco at the National Agency of Tobacco-Cigarettes, in Albania.
Mrs. Lica is also an active member of the Association of Albanian Crystallographers and International Younger Chemists Network (IYCN).


Lorenci Gjurgjaj

Meet Lorenci Gjurgjaj, a driven and accomplished Master’s graduate in Chemistry with a passion for scientific exploration and innovation. With his diverse background in both industry and academia, including studying at the University of Maribor, Slovenia, and scientific mobility at Saarland University, Germany, Lorenci has honed his expertise in environmentally friendly techniques in plant processing and identifying new natural molecules such as antibiotics, delivering impactful contributions. Also, Mr. Gjurgjaj focuses on developing new materials for dental technology applications and thermal analysis and characterization of materials.


Mariza Andoni

Mariza Andoni, a seasoned pharmacist, exhibits passion for pioneering innovative medicinal plant extraction techniques. Currently immersed in her pursuit of a Ph.D. in Applied Chemistry at the University of Tirana, Mariza is meticulously uncovering the bioactivity of medicinal plant extracts for transformative skincare applications. Her academic voyage embarked with a Master's in Pharmacy, enriched by an a captivating Erasmus+ exchange experience at the University of Camerino, where she delved into the antioxidant potential of beer wort and developed a range of anti-aging products. Mariza's meticulous attention to detail, honed in her roles in Quality Assurance, underscores her versatile skill set, encompassing expertise in varied extraction methodologies, including HPE and near- critical CO2 extraction, alongside technical prowess in HPLC, ESI, MS, and Python.
Akademia Ivodent Universiteti i Laborantëve Dentarë

Dr. Dorisa Çela

Dorisa Çela obtained her degree in Chemistry in 2012 at University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences, following a PhD in Department of Chemical Scences and Technologies, University of “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy in 2018.  Dr. Çela returned to Albania in 2018 and since than she has been working at Noval Laboratory in the position of Technical Director.  She has co-authored over 5 papers including book chapters in international journals. He was the winner of the grant “Young scientist working in the field of pharmaceutical compound” offered by Bruker AXS in 2016 .

Davide Rossi

Dr. Davide Rossi

Research Collaborator at Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences in Padova Italy for tensiometric studies on: natural complex systems, geomaterials, process conditions of the biological maturation activity of thermal muds etc

Ardita Fuga Mele

Dr. Ardita Mele

Ardita Mele obtained her Master’s degree in Chemistry in 2005 from the University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences. Following by a PhD in Chemistry in the study of the catalyst for the conversion of CO to CO2 where she currently works as Guest lecturer in the Department of Industrial Chemistry. Dr. Mele has been working on the expert panel in Accreditation Directorate of Kosovo and currently she is the Director of Accreditation Department at General Directorate of Accreditation in Albania. At present she is full professor and the Director of the Center of Techniques Study near Ivodent Academy

Akademia Ivodent

Rruga “Fortuzi” nr 91

1016, Tiranë

+355 69 606 0775

+355 69 700 3070

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